The Emerging Playwrights Competition has recently named
Maybe, a short play by Michael Merino, as a winner in their inaugural competition. Along with four other works, the play will receive a staged reading at the historic Lincoln Theatre on Thursday, March 5, 2009 at 7PM.
Merino’s play addresses the impossibility of clear and precise communication. The work involves two actors (Man and Woman), whose only words are "yes" and "no," respectively. An additional character called Stage Directions provides guidance regarding inflection and the actors' movements.
The work will be presented along with
Line Two is for You by Sharon E. Moore,
Bread by Randy Gross,
Moral Support by Dean Poynor, and
Firefly by Amanda F. Healy. All plays will be directed by theater veteran Eric Ruffin and performed by a cast of professional actors. Ruffin is the founder of The Acting Studio at the Newark School of the Arts, a professional training program in acting, and is the Founder and Artistic Director for the Newark Youth Ensemble, Newark, NJ.
The performance at the Lincoln Theater is free, but reservations through the box office are required by calling 202-328-6000 or via email at rsvp@thelincolntheatre.org.
About the Lincoln Theatre:The historic Lincoln Theatre is a non profit performing arts venue located in the vibrant U Street district and managed by the U Street Theatre Foundation. Originally a vaudeville theatre and movie house open in the 1920s, the “Jewel on U” has reopened as DC’s National Theatre and a cultural crossroads where diverse and stimulating entertainment programming is offered.